
Image 1Oct

Premoldeados Bertone in Epiba 2018

The Industrial Park Exposition of the Provincia de Buenos Aires will take place on May the 17th and 18th in Ezeiza’s Industrial Pole, and we will be there! You can visit us in stand 82. Our team will be there waiting to answer all your inquiries.

Image 1Oct

Premoldeados Bertone was present at Santa Fe’s TC!

We are proud to announce that Santa Fe’s Municipality chose our new Jerseys to cover part of the TC race circuit celebrated last weekend. This kind of recognition confirms us on the road that we embarked on in 1952 and push us to keep growing and improving daily.

Image 1Oct

We received business leaders in our plant

This week, we received in our plant a group of businessmen from different areas as part of the monthly meetings that Vistage Consultancy, of which we are a part, carries out. This is a prestigious organizational coaching society that prepares this kind of gatherings among different business leaders periodically....

Image 1Oct

Expansion and improvement of the Provincial Route Nº11, La Plata

We want to share with you the photos of the expansion and improvement work we are carrying out in the Provincial Route Nº11 in La Plata. It is a route crossroad built in two installments, and the temporary traffic clearing was managed in only 48 hours. The Premoldeados Bertone...